Saturday, March 7, 2009

Let the Countdown begin....

It is only 2 weeks until we shear the sheep! And 3 weeks until lambing starts. When we shear this year we will be out at little mountain. I will fix lunch for 3 days for the shearing crew we bring in and for our guys. ( some of the shearers are from Australia or New Zealand-it's fun to chat with them.) Our back yard looks like a gypsy camp with all the camping trailers the shearers live in parked on any flat dry spot and plugged into any electric outlet available. This is the crasiest time of year for us. Lane works about 20 hours a day and sleeps for 3 hours. (if he's lucky) Cooper and I go out the sheds when he gets home from school to help dock and brand. Even though this is a really rough time of year, we feel blessed at the end of it. Hopefully our lamb numbers will be high and the weather will be good. A few years ago we were losing lambs left and right because there was so much mud on the ground. When the temperatures flucuate alot we tend to lose more lambs then also. So we'll keep our finger crossed and pray alot that this year things will go well.


  1. Okay your dog is so cute and the name is fabulous. I am keeping you guys and the sheep in my prayers for the next month to help bolster the numbers. We are not doing anything as glamorous as sheep shearing-tomorrow is pajama day at my house.

  2. Yeah! I am happy to see that you have a blog I am adding you to my list of people. We so need a sister's day. I think that I am going through with drawls. I was happy to see Jenni and Addison when they were down visiting. Well if I end up with free time here in a couple of weeks ( wich I am praying that I don't) I will have to come and visit and see if you need any help

  3. Wow, I think being busy is a good thing but that is a little over the top. Love keeping up with things- I just got on your blog today so it will be fun to see how the Jensen family is doing up in UTAH.

  4. I love it - Angie you are one of my favorites. Sheep shearing sounds so cool - I'd love to see the Gypsy camp in your backyard. There were real gypsies in a couple of the areas I served in on my mission. Your kids are so cute - I can't believe how big they are - I really need to see you before the little one is talking!!!

  5. UMMMMMMMMMMMMM go to Peter's blog and watch with your sheep ranching hubby. It was pretty funny. EWE tube. You might have already seen it. Auntie Linda
